In 2024 we will continue to provide our members with pertinent information about community matters through our newsletters and other communication. We keep our finger on the pulse of what's happening and have the ear of community leaders. We also look forward to seeing you at our events! Our mutual success depends on widespread involvement and receiving feedback as to what matters to YOU.
Access to Information
Board meetings are held via Zoom, making it easier for members to attend. Meetings are scheduled on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:00PM. Email us for the link to join.
We continue to provide you with up-to-date information in newsletters and other emails.
Please find us on FB
Trash and Wildlife Proofing
We encourage every homeowner to secure their trash and keep our wildlife safe. Our partnership with Ace Hardware means they stock bear resistant trash cans and as a member you can prepay and we will pick up the can(s), install the handles and deliver them to your home.
Lake and Community Safety
We have communication with the lake sheriffs and are working with other county entities to make our roads better and safer.
Exclusive Member-Only Events
We have our annual FREE Shredding Event, Memorial Day Barbecue, 4th of July Bake Sale, and our Labor Day Trash Pick-Up events. We are looking to expand for even more social outreach.
Office Hours
The office is staffed days a week to answer your questions. Our office is your office. If you need a photocopy, access to WiFi or a simple scan, please visit Lauren and she can help. 2024 office hours are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Please feel free to reach out to me and let's chat about how we can enhance the Bass Lake Homeowners Association!
-Brian Nelson